Special Offer Easter Easter Holiday book now
Special Easter promo is valid from 02 April until 05 April 2021.

Reisen ist eine einzigartige Erfahrung, es bedeutet entdecken, neue Düfte riechen, neue Gerichte kosten, neue Menschen kennenlernen, sich einer anderen Sprache und Kultur widmen.
Daher haben wir exklusive Angebote, um unseren Gästen die Möglichkeit zu bieten, bei einem Aufenthalt im Pacha Mama am Fuße des berühmten Vulkans Vesuv die Schönheiten unseres Landes zu entdecken.
Special Easter promo is valid from 02 April until 05 April 2021.
Don't miss the opportunity of experiencing this sweet floral season
Discover all the beauties of the Sorrento Peninsula, Amalfitana, Capri, Ischia, Pompeii,Vesuvio and Naples.
A Secret special treatment only if you register now,
Book now your next stay near the Mount Vesuvius, Pompeii and Herculaneum Ruins, on our official website, you will benefit from the lowest online price available!
Take advantage of our not-refundable offer to get a special discount on the lowest price available!
There is no better occasion than the first autumnal bridge to enjoy among the beauties of the Vesuvius Park two minutes walking out Pompei.
Autumn is the season of wine, of new Italian flavours and beauties, so why not to choose Pacha Mama...
A night in the Superior room welcomed with a glass of Vesuvius red wine accompanied by a platter of cheeses and cold cuts.
A unique sensory journey at the Pachamama hotel, rediscovering the flavors of Vesuvius with a welcoming wine-tasting....